YearBook Intro
The YearBook is composed of student contributions in data scientific analysis on a variety of topics. Most contents are re-written versions of dissertations, case studies, and discussion articles from their studies at SIAI. Although most topics are backed by a hard models with heavy data analysis, the yearbook version articles are designed more for public audience than academic readers. If you want to see the academic version,s please go to page links provided in each article.
Discussion topics
The range of topics vary significantly as the SIAI's education is not limited to a certain industry. Most outsiders think that students will graduate with a large pack of program codes. This yearbook is intended to disprove the preconception. What is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to public is in fact a line of computational statistics.
There are infinitely many research topics in the field of science that require unprecedented computational power, and the number of such topics is growing rapidly as the tech industry develops more and better data handling tools. From such data, it is not a single linear pattern that researchers are looking for. As the yearbook presents, you will see that a myriad of technical tools, mathematical reasoning, as well as data scientific intuition have jointly been played to yield these fine research works.
As with school's philosophy
The school is found by a motto of 'Rerum cognoscere causas', meaning searching for the truth cause. With the spirit, the school teaches a pack of theory, encourages the knowledge to apply in an real world setting, and supports students to create an outcome that are as scientific mind as and as real world as possible. Since the teaching is more focused on the core of computational statistics, while data are stacked in every industry, you should be able to find a wide variety of research topics in this YearBook.
We strongly believe that such educational philosophy can help students be a versatile brain in any number of fields, once they find a job. The YearBook is the very representation of our teaching. We sincerely hope that this helps all visitors to see the value of our education as well as the true capacity of all SIAI students.